My QA transition - Episode 2 (Kuda Mobile App)

Hey there, it's Esther again! Let's continue shall we...

As the SideHuslte 5.0 bootcamp began, i was assigned to portfolio group 1, as well as startup group 3. I must say it wasn't easy navigating between both teams!

Our first task in portfolio group 1 was to pick any application or a website with at least 10 screens and come up with a minimum of 10 test cases on each screen and so, we picked the kuda mobile application. My group leader Matachi Ononuju ( distributed the tasks between all team members and i was assigned to work on the Get Started screen.

I downloaded the application, created test cases on the assigned screen for the Version 1.931 of the Kuda application, and also carried out manual testing on the app using the test cases and noted my observations. See snippet of the test cases below and link to the sheet for the test cases document.
